1. what is BUFFERING and SPOOLING.
2.Define operating system and list various types of Operating systems.
3.explain Real time and Distributed operating system.
4.Explain in details the components of operating system.
5. what is system call?explain in brief about different System calls.
6.Explain Time Sharing and Multi programming Operating systems.
7.explain single ,multi user operating system structure.
2.Define operating system and list various types of Operating systems.
3.explain Real time and Distributed operating system.
4.Explain in details the components of operating system.
5. what is system call?explain in brief about different System calls.
6.Explain Time Sharing and Multi programming Operating systems.
7.explain single ,multi user operating system structure.
1. define process ? explain Sequential process and process state Diagram.
2.explain about process control block(PCB) with neat diagram and process creation and termination.
3.Explain about CPU scheduling and Scheduling criteria.
4.Explain about various scheduling algorithms..(FIFO,SJF,Round Robin,Time Sharing,Multilevel ,Multi feed back).
5.what is deadlock? what are the necessary conditions for deadlock.
6.Explain about deadlock prevention and avoidance.
7.explain about deadlock recovery.
1.explain briefly
a) Dynamic Binding b)Dynamic loading c)Dynamic linking. d) Overlays.
2.write about Swapping.
3. write in detail about single and multi partition allocation.
4. Write about Paging and segmentation concepts.
5.what is Demand paging.
6. what is page replacement and write about
a) FIFO b) LRU c) Optimal .. page Replacement Algorithms.
Explain in detail about Thrashing.
1.Explain Disk Structure.
2.write about 1) BIT vector 2)LIinked 3) counting 4) Grouping.
3.write about a) sequential b) linked c)Indexed Allocation Methods.
4.explain with example
1.what is File management ? list and Ex[lain various file operations.
2.write about 1) sequential 2) Direct and 3) Simulation of sequential and direct access method.
3.Explain about Directory Structure..
4. write about File protection.
****************************** ALL THE BEST ****************************
thanx ali sir, frm yadav